The Truth About Chlorine and Hair Loss: Separating Fact from Fiction

With the onset of summer people begin to plan their leisure time and swimming in the pool is perhaps one of the most popular recreation activities. Still there are some Health concerns for example with chlorine hair loss may be experienced. In this post, we will try to shed the light on the relationship between chlorine and hair loss and what is the truth vs myths.On the facts, we learn that it was not the chlorine but washing hair in the shower after swimming that caused hair loss. As for this blog post, let’s break the myths related to chlorine and hair loss, and consider actual facts.

What is Chlorine

Chlorine is a chemical which is often used to kill germs in water used in swimming pools, bathtubs and other facilities. It is applied to water in the form of chlorine gas or solution or in the form of other chemicals including sodium hypochlorite.Chlorine has two destructive effects on hair. First, it can remove the hair’s natural oils, making it fragile and unhealthy to some degree. This can make the hair break easily. Besides, chlorine tends to turn the hair color green from time to time.Section 4: Chlorine and Hair Loss Thus, though chlorine is very harmful to hair, it does not actually cause hair loss by itself. If the hair is compromised or damaged, chlorinated water weakens the hair further, hence contributing to hair breakage and hair loss.The following section is about how to minimize the effects of chlorine on human hair. This brings us to the following successful tips that could easily be implemented to guard your hair against chlorine; For instance, you can use fresh water to wash your hair before going to swim or use swim cap to minimize the contact with chlorine. Furthermore, you can employ a clarifying shampoo, and deep conditioner to assist in the process of ridding your hair from chlorine, should you have gone swimming.Other factors that can contribute to hair loss are as follow; Chlorine does not directly lead to hair loss still, there are several conditions which can cause hair loss. These include genetic factors, why some hormones are present in high levels or low levels, and some drugs or diseases. In the case of hair loss it is highly advisable that one seeks the professional opinion of a hair transplant specialist that can help determined the cause of the hair loss and offer proper advice on the best course of action to take.In the present research, section seven has classified treatment options for hair loss as follows: That is the reason why in case of hair loss there are many ways that can be prescribed to you. The treatment that is currently utilized which are hair transplant surgery, medication and those other less invasive procedures such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. The various shaving procedures can therefore be recommended by a hair transplant specialist according to the situation at hand and needs of a particular client.

Professional Hair Care

Chlorine and hair loss are factors that should be avoided when taking a shower, but optimal hair health must always be kept in mind. This ranges from frequent washing, conditioning the hair, not using chemicals such products and heat tools on the hair, and using the right hair products.


Since chlorine is not friendly to hair, and can expose the hair to more harm and breakage, it does not directly lead to hair loss. When you take time to protect your hair from chlorine damage and at the same time taking good care of your hair, then you are certain to have superb hair throughout the summer period. And if you have problems with hair loss then before starting any therapy it is better to turn to a specialist in hair transplants to determine the possible cause of such a problem and suggest how to solve it.

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