Too Much Vitamin A and Hair Loss

Vitamin A is a nutrient that is good for our body and one that is required for healthy hair and skin conditions. but when taken in excess, it is poisonous for the hair as is the case with many vitamins. In this post, we shall be looking at how Vitamin A can cause hair loss, how one can tell that they are toxic to Vitamin A, and ways of avoiding hair loss as a result of this.

The Role and Interaction between Vitamin A & Hairloss

Vitamin A, is a fat soluble vitamin that is required for the growth of tissues within the human body as well as the skin and the hairs. His skin became healthy, since he avoided skin infections and his eyesight was as good as a cat. In that respect, a regular consumption of Vitamin A has its benefits where it is toxic when taken in large quantities and leads to many health complications whereby hair loss is among them.

 Why does It Manifest Itself?

The state experienced as Vitamin A toxicity arises when the daily recommended tabular value of Vitamin A is consumed. This can happen due to several reasons, such as:

Consumption of huge amounts of Vitamin A supplements

Consumption of large amounts of animal livers which contain large amounts of Vitamin A

Eating other foods or beverages that are loaded with vitamin A

Symptoms of Vitamin A Poisoning and Possible Sources of Toxicity

Below are the symptoms of Vitamin A toxicity discovered in patients suffering from hypothyroidism in addition to other pathological conditions in this part of the world:

The signs observed at the different phases of Vitamin A toxicity are connected not only with the stage of the disease. Mild symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Dry skin and lips

More severe symptoms of Vitamin A toxicity include:

  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Bone loss
  • Changes in vision
  • Skin peeling

If you are experiencing any of the above signs, then you have to seek medical attention.

Combination of Vitamin A and Hair Loss

Many people suffering from Vitamin A toxicity complained of skin itchiness and hair loss, among the early signs. This is because Vitamin A plays an important role in the development of hair follicles and is all the more critical for their maintenance. However, the dangerous part of consuming too much Vitamin A is that it leads to the increase of the compound known as retinoids that can trigger hair loss in hair follicles. This might complicate the hair follicle and result in hair loss since your hair is likely to break time often. Prevention of Hair Loss Due to Vitamin A Toxicity

The only sure way of escaping the effects of hair loss due to Vitamin A toxicity is to take a balanced diet and avoid very high levels of Vitamin A.
Here are some tips to help you prevent Vitamin A toxicity:

Do not regularly use Vitamin A supplements unless your health care provider recommends that you do so.

Do not take animal liver or foods containing high amounts of Vitamin A.

Beware any food and beverages that are labelled ‘fortified’ and do not consume these foods in large quantities.

 What is the Management of Vitamin A Toxicity?

This method is appropriate if hair loss is as a result of Vitamin A toxicity for it involves cessation of any Vitamin A supplement. Your doctor may also advise you that foods with Vitamin A need to be avoided There are times when your doctor will advise you to take medicines to treat Vitamin A toxicity symptoms.

Vitamin A has toxicity symptoms and hair loss. Several studies have demonstrated how Vitamin A within reduced levels affects the scalp’s skin cells.

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The signs of vitamin A toxicity may also differ with the degree and period for which vitamin A existed in excess in the body. Groups of symptoms for initial toxicity of vitamin A include nausea, headache and general fatigue as well as irritability. This worsens as the toxicity advances and it leads to the features such as anorexia, dry skin, hair loss, bone pain, and hepatotoxicity. Vitamin A toxicity leads to hair loss, and this sign usually manifests at the beginning of the development of the disease.

Hair loss resulting from vitamin A toxicity is usually non-focal and involves the whole scalp and not certain areas as it is evidenced with other conditions. The hair tends to lose its moisture content and can therefore be easily damaged, and the scalp also becomes flaky and itchy. The hair loss may also be accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as dry skin and dry eyes, joint pains.

Vitamin A toxicity refer to the condition where an individual has taken a lot of vitamin A, and it becomes dangerous in the body; the good news is that it is rare to overdose on this vitamin, and the following are ways to avoid vitamin A toxicity:

Avoid taking excessive foods or supplements that are rich in this vitamin and if you are using a vitamin A supplement, always take it as recommended and should not go out of the prescribed dosage by your doctor. Vitamin A supplementarity is also a consideration in that one should not take more than one vitamin A supplement at a time due to potential toxicity.

If you have vitamin A requirements you are worried about, it is wise to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist perhaps to minimize the probability of toxicity. They may advise you to take a multivitamin that has a small amount of vitamin A or prescribe for you foods rich in beta-carotene as this is converted into vitamin A when as needed.


Although vitamin A is helpful in our hair growth, it is awful to take too much of it since it results in hair loss and many other disorders. Vitamin A has benefits when consumed in moderation but one major disadvantage is that it is fat soluble, which means that too much can also be harmful, it is therefore recommended that one abides by a balanced diet and does not take a lot of supplements. If you get symptoms such as hair loss or any other signs that indicate toxicity of vitamin A in the body, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

It is for this reason that we at Antalya Hair Transplant Clinic provide a number of hair restoration services to meet your needs. If you want to get hair transplant, beard transplant or any other hair restoration treatments feel free to contact us. Get in touch with us today to make an appointment and find out how you can get the full, healthy hair you are entitled to.

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